Annam Chaudary

Advisory Board

Annam Chaudhry is a climate and environmental specialist/activist with over 10 years of experience in sustainability programs/projects. She is working with climate leadership and managing many climate and environmental projects nationwide in Norway. She is the first Norwegian-Pakistani who is representing and serving the first climate delegation in Norway with NNV(nature conservation association). With this responsibility she has been able to form climate and environmental policies in Norway and has been a key-note person to shape climate policies during the municipal Norwegian election in 2023. Annam Chaudhry has a research background which has also allowed her to participate in important decision-making processes, projects, volunteer projects, and publishing. Her commitment, activism and dedication towards climate and environment has led her to be the first Norwegian-Pakistani to be nominated for a prestigious environmental prize. In 2022 she was leading the work for flood victims in Pakistan and has raised a lot of awareness through her work to the Norwegian and Pakistani society in Norway. She is engaging in sustainable-, green value creation, energy- and climate justice related work internationally.