A productive meeting with Norwegian Ambassador H.E Per Albert Ilsas at the Norwegian Embassy in Islamabad. This encounter served as a pivotal moment in strengthening our partnership and advancing our shared goals for sustainable development in Pakistan.
During the meeting, Norhydro provided Ambassador Ilsas with a comprehensive update on our progress, particularly highlighting the advancements of Norhydro interventions in Pakistan. We showcased our ongoing initiatives and outlined our strategic plans for the future, emphasizing our commitment to fostering positive change in the region .
Ambassador Ilsas demonstrated a keen interest in our work and expressed his unwavering support for our endeavors. He reiterated the embassy’s commitment to our cause and pledged to facilitate further collaboration by connecting us with relevant stakeholders within the embassy’s extensive network. This invaluable support opens doors to new opportunities for partnership and resource mobilization, bolstering our efforts to make a meaningful impact in Pakistan.
As we move forward, we are excited about the possibilities that this partnership holds and remain dedicated to driving positive change through innovative solutions.

A productive meeting with Norwegian Ambassador H.E Per Albert Ilsas at the Norwegian Embassy in Islamabad.